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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PRISM +ovals & triangles 17
PRISM GLASS +triangles 35
PRISM PAPYRUS +triangles 16, 35
PRISM cement +triangles 19
PRISM glass +triangles 19, 20
PRISMS +triangles 9
PROTECH +triangles 36
PROTECH ADVISORY +triangles 36
PROTEGE +triangles & circle 1
PROZAC +triangles 19
PRUDENT +triangles 3
PRUDENT +triangles & square 38
PS BEDI +triangles 35, 36, 39
PSV +triangles & square 31
PSV +triangles & squares 5
PT +triangles 39
PTP +triangles 19
PUF +triangles 11, 17
PURO +triangles 23, 24, 25
PUSHP +triangles 37
PYGOS +triangles 35, 42
PYRABELT +triangles 10
PYRAMAT +triangles 10
PYRAMATRESS +triangles 10
PYRAMID +triangles 17, 19, 30, 37, 41
PYRAMID +triangles & arc 5
triangles 42
PYRAMID PURE +triangles 32
PYRAMID SAIMIRA +triangles 9, 41, 42
PYRAMID TOOLS +triangles 31
PYRAMIS +triangles 21
PYRAMIS +triangles & square 11
Q READY +triangles & square 21
QEA +triangles 41
QQS +triangles 42, 43
QRUIZE +circles & triangles 42
QUNFENG +triangles 7
R +circles & triangles 9
R HIRANGER +triangles squar 25
R RAPID SUITE +triangles 9, 41
R REAR +square & triangles 25
R REQUESTV +triangles squar 41
R RIVASA +triangles & squar 35
R RIZOL +triangles 4
R homoeopathic +triangles 5
R&P +triangles 42
R.K. +triangles & squares 35
triangles 41
R.R.L +triangles 5, 42, 44
R2F RIGHT TO FIT +triangles 35
RA +triangles & square 9
RACER +triangles 12
triangles 16
RADO +triangles & hexagon 12
RAI & CO. +triangles & arro 30
RAIDLAYER +triangles 42
RAINBOW CRADLE +triangles 44
RAINBOW hospital +triangles 44
RAJ +triangles 7
RAM CARROM +triangles 28
RAM CHAINS +triangles 14
RAMBAL +triangles 37
RAMNIWAS BAJAJ +triangles 16, 41
RANBART +triangles 25
RANDOM +triangles & lines 25
RASI BUILDERS +triangles hu 42
RASPADSKAYA +triangles 4, 35, 37, 40
RASPAN +triangles & leaf 32
triangles 19
RAVENN +triangles 16
RAVI +triangles & hexagon 7
RAVISH GOLD +triangles 6
RC ROYALCOAT +triangles 2
RE TOP ONE +triangles 44
RE-SIP +triangles 32
REAL IMAGE +triangles 9, 16
REALGUARD +triangles square 11
RED ACE +triangles 25
RED STRIPE +triangles 33
RED-ALERT +triangles 1
REDCLIFF +triangles & circl 34
REGAL +triangles & pentagon 7
RELCLINE +triangles & lines 32
RELICUF +triangles 5
triangles 5
RELITRADE +triangles 36
REMONA +triangles & lines 37
triangles 19, 35
triangles 19
RENOVAR +triangles 37
RESOLVER +oval & triangles 5
RG REGENT +triangles 19
triangles 37, 42
RIAFY +triangles 42
RIDZ +triangles & arrows 42
RIGHT HORIZONS +triangles 36
RIMI +triangles 25
RIMSA +triangles 10, 11
RISHA +triangles & stripes 3
RISLONE +triangles & oval 4
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